Icarus | Cardano and Ergo NFTs

NFT’s auction and sales

Marcus Vinícius
10 min readApr 10, 2021

We are here to present you one of the rarest pieces of the Cardano’s arts space. 🌟

The art won one of the first arts contests of Cardano community. This contest took place on the Cardano’s Forum.

It carries one of the first “large transactions” about art on the Cardano Blockchain (10,000 ADA).

Also this piece of art was acknowledged by our friend, Charles Hoskinson 🖼️✨

“In Greek mythology, Icarus ignored Daedalus’s instructions to not to fly too close to the sun” -Wiki

Lesson: “don’t fly too close to the sun” 📝

Unique art, subject of the 50 NFTs


Cardano Babbage-era sales (19 units for sales, 23 total)

Sales will start on date TBD, 19:00 UTC

Where to place a order? We will drop a gateway to buy on Twitter: https://twitter.com/regulaversoNFTs

Sales started on date TBD
Price: 400 ADA

There will be 4 random units destined for promotions.

The last part of the Icarus drop has to be minted on a dApp. We are currently unaware of any reliable dApp minting tools that offer bulk minting capabilities; email logging platforms with bulk minting seem to be the only reliable option available at this time.

Mary-era sales | Ended

Cardano Mary-era sales (23 units for sale, 26 total)

Sales started on 08-May-2021, 19:00 UTC

Where to place a order? On the e-mail below or on our Twitter’s DM:
E-mail: torelliauction@tutanota.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/regulaversoNFTs

Sales started on 08-May-2021
Price: 400 ADA

Policy ID (Non-Fungible Token: NFT)


Policy ID (Fungible Token: not NFT)


Non-Fungible Token: NFT


Not for sale. A print containing the piece subject of the NFT

Fungible Token (not NFT)


Not for sale. A print containing the piece subject of the NFT

Fungible token Policy locked:

Not for sale. A print tokens locked policy

How do we sold on Mary-era? Using an e-mail.

To order, people had to send an e-mail to torelliauction@tutanota.com

Instructions were:

“1. Type the following subject on the e-mail title: “Torelli’s Icarus NFT order”.

2. Paste a ADA payment address where you would like the Torelli’s Icarus NFT token sent (triple check). Only Daedalus or Yoroi. No crypto exchange addresses please!”

The e-mails looked like below:

Not for sale. Print on how to e-mail.

We confirmed theavailability and replied with a payment address.

We processed each order by hand and verified if each transaction worked correctly manually.

NFT auctions and sales events 🖼️

We are here to pre-announce a Cardano NFT sale event that will start on 08-May-2021. 👀✨

Our piece of art won a contest on Cardano’s Forum in 2018 and was welcomed for Charles Hoskinson himself. Charles also made a selfie with tha art on a wallpaper.

We will issue a limited amount of NFTs of the masterpiece. Only one art will be subject of all 50 NFTs planned. The subject piece is pointed below:

Art subject of the 50 NFTs

“Proof-of-tweet” protocol

Not for sale. A print containing the piece subject of the NFT

Fernando Torelli (Twitter profile):

Charles Hoskinson (Twitter profile):

Charles Hoskinson (Tweet):

Wayback Machine:

Archive Today:

“Proof-of-selfie-wallpaper” protocol

Not for sale. A print containing the piece subject of the NFT

Fernando Torelli (Twitter profile):

Charles Hoskinson (Twitter profile):

Charles Hoskinson (Tweet):

Wayback Machine:

Archive Today:

“Proof-of-forum” protocol

This legendary piece of art won one of the first art’s contests of Cardano’s community. The contest took place on the Cardano’s Forum. Follow the timeline below:

Not for sale. A print containing the piece subject of the NFT
Not for sale. A print containing the piece subject of the NFT
Not for sale. A print containing the piece subject of the NFT

Art contest:

Wayback Machine:

Archive Today:

Prize’s transaction:



Mary’s special edition (26 units)
-23 NFTs for sales on Cardano’s “Mary” era;
-3 promotional NFTs to giveways/auctions on Cardano’s “Mary” era;

Alonzo’s special edition (23 units)
-19 NFTs for sales on Cardano’s “Alonzo” era with a NFT’s DAO, Marketplace or similar;
-4 promotional NFTs to giveways/auctions on Cardano’s “Alonzo” era;

Ergo’s special edition(1 unit)
-1 unique NFT on Ergo Blockchain; (auction)

50 NFTs units;

All units will be NFTs about the same piece, but multiplatform (Ergo, Cardano-Mary and Cardano-Alonzo).

WHEN NFTs sales? ⏰

-Cardano’s “Mary” era NFTs (23 units):

-Cardano’s “Alonzo” era NFTs (19 units):
Probably Q3–2021, when NFT’s DAO or something similar is ready;

-Promotional units on Cardano’s “Mary” era (3 units):
Unit 1: auction from 26-April to 29-April
Winner: Fahadouken 🌟, first unit out.
Bid: 700 ADA

Not for sale. A print about the first auction winner

Unit 2: date TBD
Unit 3: date TBD

-Promotional units on Cardano’s “Alonzo” era (4 units):
Unit 1: date TBD
Unit 2: date TBD
Unit 3: date TBD
Unit 4: date TBD

-Ergo’s NFT (1 unit):
Auction from 25-April to 02-May.
Issuing transaction:

All units will be NFTs about the same piece, but multiplatform (Ergo, Cardano-Mary and Cardano-Alonzo).


-Cardano’s “Mary” era: 400 ADAs unit price;

-Cardano’s “Alonzo” era: unit price TBD;

-Ergo: auction, 5 ERG first bid;

All units will be NFTs about the same piece, but multiplatform (Ergo, Cardano-Mary and Cardano-Alonzo).

We’ve set up the prices we think would be fair to lower the barrier to entry and to incentivize the liquidity. But we are open to any feedbacks.


Not for sale. Mary Shelley, the author of classic novel Frankenstein.

Mary’s Cardano sales (23 units)

Where to place a order? Only on the e-mail below:
Sales date: 08-May-2021

We will be accepting orders ONLY BY THE E-MAIL torelliauction@tutanota.com during the first 24h or the end of the 23 reserves.

A tweet will be posted on “Fernando Torelli | NFT’s Studio” when sales start (cardano-mary era NFTs).

After the 24h, if 23 NFT reserves were not filled, we will accept orders by any communication means (Twitter DM, Instagram direct, etc).

Mary’s tutorial (08-May-2021)

To order, e-mail us at torelliauction@tutanota.com


1. Type the following subject on the e-mail title: “Torelli’s Icarus NFT order”.

2. Paste a ADA payment address where you would like the Torelli’s Icarus NFT token sent (triple check). Only Daedalus or Yoroi. No crypto exchange addresses please!

The e-mail will looks like below:

Not for sale. Print on how to e-mail.

We will then confirm availability and reply with a payment address.

We will process each order by hand and verify each transaction worked correctly.

We have a busy day job and usually process orders in the evening, so please be patient.

Mary’s era Rarity (26 units)

This serie is a set of 26 limited Cardano’s “Mary” era Non Fungible Tokens (NFT) that can be used to represent te piece of art on the Cardano blockchain.

It consist of 23 NFTs of the original arts for sale. 3 units for promotions (Giveways, auctions, etc.).

Each art piece is very rare. 26 out of 50 total, multiplatform NFTs(total: Ergo, Cardano’s “Mary” era, Cardano’s “Alozno” era)

Mary’s process Details (26 units)

The buyer will receive the NFT Token and the digital image of the Torelli’s Icarus they purchase.

Without smart contracts, this is the process we choose right now. No minting or burning of the token is possible after a certain slot. As the owner/buyer of the NFT token, you can be assured that it is unique after a certain slot and no other copies will be minted.

Visit Cardanoscan.io to see details about each minted token if wou manage to buy the NFT.

Cardano NFT standards/best practices are starting to evolve now and we will do our best to increase the transparency.

This art collection would be minted up to 26 units, unless we found a cheaper way.

All units will be NFTs about the same piece, but multiplatform (Ergo, Cardano-Mary and Cardano-Alonzo).

Cardano-Mary’s Feedback form:


Promotional units

Promotional units on Cardano’s “Mary” era (3 units):
Unit 1: auction on 26-April-2021
Unit 2: date TBD
Unit 3: date TBD


Cardano Auction (1 unit)

Not for sale. A print containing the piece subject of the NFT

Unit 1: auction from 26-April to 29-April
Winner: Fahadouken 🌟, first unit out.
Bid: 700 ADA



How to?


Ergo Auction (1 unit)

Not for sale. A print containing the piece subject of the NFT

Ergo Auction ended 02-May!


Ergo ID: c1781eb32692391060d303c6327a504dbb267ffc9962383fe253843f9e056295


On Ergo’s Auction House:


Not for sale. A famous mathematician: Alonzo Church.

Planned to Q3, 2021.

All units will be NFTs about the same piece, but multiplatform (Ergo, Cardano-Mary and Cardano-Alonzo).

ERGO DETAILS ⌛(1 unit)

Not for sale. Ergo Platform’s logo

ERGO AUCTION (end of April-2021, 7 days)

Where to place a bid? On Ergo Auction House
Link will be posted on auction start, end of April-2021



Ergo wallet:

Yoroi extension by EMURGO may be the easiest to set up: https://yoroi-wallet.com/#/

Ergo wallets alternatives:




Process on Ergo 🎨

We will create an Artwork NFT using https://ergoutils.org​ and then we will be auctioning it off on the Ergo Auction House https://ergoauctions.org/ (Ergo Utils and Auction House)


You’ll need a $ERG wallet to receive your NFTs

#Yoroi extension by @emurgo_io is the easiest to set up: https://yoroi-wallet.com/#/

Alternatives: https://ergoplatform.org/en/wallets/

All units will be NFTs about the same piece, but multiplatform (Ergo, Cardano-Mary and Cardano-Alonzo).

Feedback form:



We will drop some valuation suggestions for a liquid sale scenario. There will be 2 partners envolved on this NFT sale: “Business Development” and “Artist”. Theese are only simulations.

Method 1 |Business Development

-Business Development cost: 48 hour of work
-hour price for Business Development: $35
-Total Business Development cost: $1680
-NFT maker cost: $10
-Artist assimetric unit valuation: $250.00

Total price per unit: $300.00

Method 2 | Opportunity cost

-Opportunity cost: 48 hour of work
-hour price for opportunity cost: $20
-Total opportunity cost: $960
-NFT maker cost: $10
-Artist assimetric unit valuation: $250.00

Total price per unit: $280.00

Method 3| NFT maker cost as a 2% fee

-NFT maker cost: $10

Total price per unit: $ 500.00

Method 4| SpaceBudz comparasion

-SpaceBudz offer for Wolfs (100 units, 1% rarity): $ 3.750
-Torelli’s Icarus (50 units, no % rarity, double of % rarity compared to ADA supply): $ 7,500

Total price per unit: $ 7,500.00

Method 5| CardanoBits Mummy offer comparasion

-CardanoBits offer for Mummy (100 units, 1% rarity): $ 3.000
-Torelli Icarus (50 units, no % rarity, double of % rarity compared to ADA supply): $ 6,000

Total price per unit: $ 6,000.00


Link: https://forum.cardano.org/t/art-contest-winners-announced/19082

Cardano Epoch:
Link: https://explorer.cardano.org/en/epoch?number=92

Not for sale. Context only.

Financial Times:

Not for sale. Context only.

Financial Times (Post):

Wayback Machine:

Archive Today:


-Reliability on Human resources;
-Inner circle’s sales risk;
-Front running’s sales risk;


Mary sales model was inspired on CardanoBudz sales: http://cardanobudz.com/

Ergo auction model was inspired on ErGnomes auction:


Not for sale. A brazilian 8bits flag.

Marcus Vinicius, a Cardano enthusiast here in Brazil.

Fernando Torelli, brazilian artist designer, creator of “Lifetime Regulators”. Naturalized “paulista” from Rio de Janeiro has already created a true pantheon of diverse characters with numbers that can rival Jack Kirby himself. If enjoy his work, show some love on: https://apoia.se/reguladores


Not for sale. A twitter print.

-E-mail: regulaversonfts@gmail.com
-Feedback form (Ergo): https://forms.gle/TC9pu6wZJ2PCGGap6
-Feedback form (Cardano): https://forms.gle/HDnXhhRBhYUGvdQs6
-Twitter: https://twitter.com/regulaversoNFTs



You are fully and solely responsible for evaluating your investments, for determining whether you will exchange blockchain assets based on your own judgment, and for all your decisions as to whether to exchange blockchain assets with Cardano. In many cases, blockchain assets you exchange on the basis of your research may not increase in value, and may decrease in value. Similarly, blockchain assets you exchange on the basis of your research may fall or rise in value after your exchange.

Past performance is not indicative of future results. Any investment in blockchain assets involves the risk of loss of part or all of your investment. The value of the blockchain assets you exchange is subject to market and other investment risks.

Other topics

The Cardano Ambassador program has no link and does not endorse specific private projects like this sale. Also the hypocycloid on the art doesn’t mean Cardano’s or any official’s endorsement. This is a private project with no offcial endorsement from any kind.

In order to participate, you have to assume there is a small chance that the final piece could turn in to the one below:

Not for sale. Optional piece in case we have to address some issue.



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